Event Category: Award Ceremonies

Oath Ceremony 2022

White Coat Ceremony Dental college HITEC-IMS and Medical college welcomed the new batch of Dental and Medical students .White coat ceremony was arranged by the administration HITEC-IMS in auditorium. Chairman HIT Maj Gen Syed Aamer Raza,HI(M), was guest of honor. The ceremony was attended by all senior faculty members of Medical College and Dental college [...] Read More

Dental Camp

FREE DENTAL CAMP Dental College HITEC-IMS organises Free Dental Camp   Dental college HITEC-IMS is at the forefront for creating awareness regarding oral health amongst the general population. In this regard frequent Free Dental camps are being organised in the Dental college attracting not only the residents of Taxila but the adjacent cities and villages [...] Read More

Faculty Reward Ceremony

Articles/Publication Reward All Dental faculty members attended HITEC-IMS Reward Ceremony on 7th January 2020. The event celebrated the achievements of our faculty members and research enthusiasts who were engaged in Research Activities throughout the year. The event started with a welcome note from the president of Research Cell, Prof Dr Sadaf Mumtaz and later she [...] Read More

Second Journal Club Meeting

A mixed method study on student and teacher perception of curriculum viability inhibitors As a part of journal club activity session, a presentation was given, titled as “A mixed method study on student and teacher perception of curriculum viability inhibitors” on 7th January 2021 by Dr Rabia Shabbir from Department of Biochemistry. The target audience [...] Read More


ANNUAL PRIZE DISTRIBUTION CEREMONY The annual prize distribution was commemorated on the 5th August 2021. The event was organized by the administration of Dental College HITEC-IMS, Taxila. The Principal Dental College, Vice Principal, Deputy Director and the faculty members of 1st and 2nd year attended the ceremony. The event was enlightened by the presence of [...] Read More