Oral Biology is a basic dental Science that is a fundamental part of dental Education. The subject encompasses a thorough understanding of anatomy, histology and physiology of the oral hard and soft tissues as well as surroundings structures. The subject of oral Biology is taught in the first year of BDS Program. The courses within the domain of oral biology include oral histology, oral physiology, oral embryology and tooth morphology. A thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter of oral biology is of utmost importance as it forms a vital base for the understanding of dental clinical sciences. This subject is also undergoing constant research and development which dental students need to be aware of, as newer research introduces innovations in the art and science of Clinical dentistry. The teaching hours for various disciplines of the subject matter are in accordance with the recommendations of Pakistan Medical and Dental Council.
The Oral Biology Department of the Dental College HITEC-IMS is dedicated to provide a thorough knowledge and guidance for First Year undergraduate Dental Students. Our mission is to equip the students with all the necessary knowledge of this core basic dental science which is pertinent for their successful advancement towards subsequent years. Our Primary objective would be to ensure that each student has adequate knowledge of the oral hard and soft tissues which is imperative for the successful practice of clinical dentistry
Name : Dr. Saman Malik
Designation : Assistant Prof. & Head of Department
Qualification : BDS, MCPS, MHPE, CHPE
Name | Designation | Qualifications |
Dr. Saman Malik | Assistant Prof. & HOD | BDS, MCPS, MHPE, CHPE |
Dr. Muhammad Omair KhItab | Demonstrator | BDS, M.Phil(PG),CHR |
Dr. Khadija Tariq | Demonstrator | BDS |