• Demonstrate diagnostic and therapeutic skills for ethical and effective patient care
  • Access and apply relevant information to clinical practice
  • Demonstrate effective consultation services with respect to patient care, education and legal opinions
  • Establish professional and empathetic relationship with patients/families
  • Obtain and synthesize relevant history from patients/families/communities
  • Listen effectively and respond ethically
  • Discuss appropriate information with patients/families and the health care team
  • Consult effectively with other physicians and health care professionals
  • Contribute effectively to other interdisciplinary team activities
  • Utilize resources effectively to balance patient care, learning needs and outside activities
  • Allocate finite health care resources wisely
  • Work effectively and efficiently in a health care organization
  • Utilize IT to optimize patient care, & life-long learning
  • Identify the important determinants of health affecting patients
  • Contribute effectively to improved health of patients and communities
  • Recognize and respond to those issues where advocacy is appropriate
  • CDevelop, implement and monitor a personal continuous educational strategy
  • Critically appraise sources of medical information.
  • Facilitate learning of patients, house staff/students and other health professionals
  • Contribute to development of new knowledge
  • Deliver highest quality care with integrity, honesty and compassion
  • Exhibit appropriate personal and interpersonal professional behaviors
  • Practice medicine ethically, consistent with obligations of a physician.

HITEC Institute of Medical Sciences
Heavy Industries Taxila
Ph: 051-4908582/ 051-4908470
Mob: 0308-5253814