Second Journal Club Meeting

  • January 7, 2022 - 8:30am
  • Dental College HITEC-IMS

A mixed method study on student and teacher perception of curriculum viability inhibitors

As a part of journal club activity session, a presentation was given, titled as “A mixed method study on student and teacher perception of curriculum viability inhibitors” on 7th January 2021 by Dr Rabia Shabbir from Department of Biochemistry. The target audience was faculty dental college HITEC-IMS Dental College. An executive summary of proceedings is mentioned below.


The session comprised of presentation on a research article and interacting session at the end. Following points were discussed:

  1. Title, journal name and the author.
  2. Abstract and Introduction to the article,
  3. Aims and objectives
  4. Methodology
  • Study Design
  • Settings
  • Participants
  • Material and procedure
  • Data Analysis
  1. Results
  2. Discussion
  3. Conclusion
  4. Limitations and Future Recommendations.
  5. References

This session helped and encouraged the faculty to implement this knowledge in compilation and evaluation for designing a curriculum. Immediately after the presentation all the faculty critically discussed the article. The session was concluded with principal remarks


  • Start Date:January 7, 2022
  • Start Time:8:30am
  • End Date:January 7, 2022
  • End Time:11:30am
  • Location:Dental College HITEC-IMS