1st KCD International Dental Conference – Pre Conference Workshop

  • May 6, 2024 - 9:00am
  • Dental College, HITEC-IMS Taxila Cantt


  • Prof. Dr. Irfan Shah
  • Prof. Dr. Saima Azam
  • Dr. Uzair Luqman
  • Dr. Maimoona Siddiq
  • Dr. Fatima Khattak
  • Dr. Sadia Moin


  • Dr Hassan Bin Babar
  • Dr Maarij Saeed
  • Dr Omer
  • Dr Nafay Qazi

Target Participants:
House Officers, General Dentists, PG trainees (operative and oral & maxillofacial surgery)


A full-day pre-conference workshop of the 1 st KCD International Dental Conference 2024 was conducted at Dental College HITEC IMS, which was organized by the Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. This workshop aimed to train and equip the participants with the knowledge and skill of CBCT software handling, diagnosis, and planning of dental implants and endodontic cases using the advanced technology of CBCT.
The workshop activity started with the recitation of holy Quran, and an opening speech by the Principal Dental College HITEC IMS. The scientific session encompassed “Traditional Implant Planning” which was facilitated by Prof.Dr.Irfan Shah, followed by the session on “CBCT Introduction and Interpretation”, conducted by Dr. Uzair Luqman. The interactive session on
the “Application of CBCT in Endodontics” was facilitated by Prof.Dr. Saima Azam. Hands-o practice of CBCT interpretation, dental implant planning, and placement on CBCT software by the participants was facilitated by Dr. Uzair Luqman, Dr. Maimoona Siddiq, Dr. Fatima Khattak and Dr. Sadia Moin. This surpassingly interactive and exceptional workshop activity was closed with a Small Group Discussion (SGD) by dividing the participants into small groups, all the workshop members (participants and facilitators) were actively engaged in SGD which was based on traditional and CBCT-based dental implant case base planning on real patients. The workshop activity was closed with distribution of the certificates having 06 credit points accredited by Khyber Medical University to each workshop member. A group picture of all workshop members (the participants, organizers, and facilitators) was taken. The written feedback from all the workshop participants was acquired and the session was closed at 3:15 pm.



  • Start Date:May 6, 2024
  • Start Time:9:00am
  • End Date:May 6, 2024
  • End Time:3:30pm
  • Number of Participants:23
  • Location:Dental College, HITEC-IMS Taxila Cantt