The Department of Dental Education facilitated a full-day workshop on the workplace-based assessment tool “Direct Observation of Procedural Skills (DOPS)” as a part of its long-running faculty development program. The workshop was held on Thursday, 24th August 2023. All clinical heads of departments, along with senior faculty members nominated by them, attended the workshop.
The major themes covered in the workshop were an introduction to workplace-based assessments in general and DOPS in particular. The salient features and recommendations for effective conduction of DOPS, along with the critically important ‘Art of Providing Specific & Actionable Feedback’ to students and postgraduates.
The salient MIT was interactive small group discussions along with the conduction of roleplays by the participants as the hands-on activity of the workshop. Some of the various active learning and engagement activities/tools utilised were word cloud generated by Poll Everywhere, voting on Padlet, and a gamified quiz on Kahoot. 04 videos were displayed during the workshop regarding roleplay demonstrations of DOPS conduction and quality feedback.

- Start Date:August 24, 2023
- Start Time:9:00am
- End Date:August 24, 2023
- End Time:1:00pm