Oath Ceremony 2022

  • March 15, 2022 - 9:30am

White Coat Ceremony

Dental college HITEC-IMS and Medical college welcomed the new batch of Dental and Medical students .White coat ceremony was arranged by the administration HITEC-IMS in auditorium. Chairman HIT Maj Gen Syed Aamer Raza,HI(M), was guest of honor.

The ceremony was attended by all senior faculty members of Medical College and Dental college and dignitaries from HITEC University and HITEWT.

The principal Dental college, Prof Irfan Shah and principal Medical college,Maj.Gen (R)Hamid Shafique delivered the welcome speeches to the students.

The Chairman HIT,Maj Gen Syed Aamer Raza,HI(M) addressed the students and congratulated them on getting admission in this prestigious college. He advised the students to avail this opportunity of learning. He wished them luck in their future endeavors.


  • Start Date:March 15, 2022
  • Start Time:9:30am
  • End Date:March 15, 2022
  • End Time:3:00pm