Dental College HITEC-IMS Alumni Launched on Independence Day

  • August 14, 2023 - 9:00am

On the auspicious Pakistan independence day – 14 August 2023-, Graduates of Dental College launched the Dentistry Chapter of HITEC-IMS Alumni Association. Graduates of Dental College gathered over Hi-tea in a graceful event at Ramada Hotel, Islamabad. Also invited were Principal, Vice Principal, Associate Deans basic and clinical sciences and senior faculty of the College.

The concept of giving the HITEC-IMS graduates (Alumni) a platform for continued connections and interactions after leaving the colleges was conceived and discussed at the Academic Council meeting of Dental College held on 13 April 2023. Dr. Shahzana Rana and Dr. Sana Tariq were tasked to engage the graduates and work on the project.  Together with Dr. Hafsa, Dr. Kulsoom, Dr. Shahwaiz, and Dr. Umer (graduates of the pioneer batch), they studied the models of Agha Khan and Army Medical College and designed a proposal for the HITEC Alumni Association. The proposed structure consists of constituting two independent chapters (Medical and Dentistry) with their own independent presidents and other offices. The proposal was presented and discussed during the Medical College CCM held on 03 May 2023. The principals and faculty of the two colleges highly appreciated and approved the proposed structure.

The graduates of Dental College have decided to name the Dentistry Chapter “HITEC Dental Alumni Council (HIDAC)”. Elections for the positions of president, general secretary and finance will take place shortly. All other positions and future activities of HIDAC will be handled by the elected office bearers.

bds alumani


  • Start Date:August 14, 2023
  • Start Time:9:00am
  • End Date:August 14, 2023
  • End Time:1:00pm